2007年5月29日 星期二

Effect Of Technology

Effect Of Technology
Along with the progress of the technology, our life has changed in many ways. How technologies effect our life? My onions are as follows. First of all, we made our daily life more efficient. For example, Instead of walk, we have motorcycle and MRT. It is very convenient and cheap. Instead of go shopping, you can buy what you want at the website .Secondly,now we got a new occupation『soho』,people doing their job at home without go to work. you can studying,meeting,shopping at the website .There are many advantages I can think.
Certainly, our life became convenient by technology. There are some shortcomings attach from it. For instance. People do not contact so often as we used to be, the relationships seems not as close as we used to have. To tell the truth, some people do not even recognize their neighbors. another problem is that the work opportunity is decreasing because of the machines; we do not need so many workers nowadays.
The only way to solve these problems is that we all do our best in no matter what we are doing. Living in the moment. We should protect the environment well be grateful , our environment We choose what we love, and we love what we choose. therefore, our life would be more and more pretty..

2007年5月15日 星期二


3.which organization belongs to NPO in Taiwan? Can you learn from it and describe your volunteering ambition?
NPO : Non-profit organization
What is NPO?
"A nonprofit organization is formed for the purpose of serving a public or mutual benefit other than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors. "The nonprofit sector is a collection of entities that are organizations; private as opposed to governmental; non-profit distributing; self-governing; voluntary; and of public benefit" (Solomon 10). The nonprofit sector is often referred to as the third sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, philanthropic sector, social sector, tax-exempt sector, or the charitable sector."

may स्टूडियो

alcpt 16r


1. You should study your lesson in advance. When should you study your lesson?
2. The trip was made over bumpy roads. What kind of road were they?
3. They’re going to Dallas by plane. How are they going to Dallas?
4. Claude ate some dessert at noon. What did he eat?
5. The pilot can land now. What can he do?
6. This student works independently of others. How does he work?
7. Arthur would like to have a hamburger rather than a hotdog. What does he prefer?
8. He has a spare room in his apartment. What does he have?
9. The customs are different here. What are different?
10. Arthur will be gone for an extended period of time. How long will he be gone?
11. Mr. Smith asked Joe: “Do you have a bank account?” What did Mr. Smith want to know?
12. There’s a large hole in the table cloth. What is the matter with the cloth?
13. What is a pharmacist?
14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about?
15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive?
16. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence?
17. Did you find out what caused his illness?
18. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it?
19. Maurice finished his studies at a quarter to eight. When did he finish his studies?
20. Highway accidents can be kept at a minimum if everyone follows safety rules. How can we minimize accidents?
21. Did anyone of your friends call on you?
22. The weatherman said it might rain tomorrow. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
23. Peter quitted working after sunset. When did he stop?
24. The driver reached his destination with very little gasoline in the tank. How did he arrive in his destination?
25. Richard spends an hour each day in physical training. What does he do?
26. Gerald kept working on the problem until he solved it.
27. The judge is very concerned about traffic accidents.
28. Blend’s home is air-conditioned.
29. We have been here just ten minutes.
30. When you go by air, you depend on the pilot to take you to your destination safely.
31. Bob goes to the club every Friday night.
32. The humidity is very high.
33. This is not the right road.
34. Some people like to argue all the time.
35. The entire class is going on the tour.
36. The students seem a little bored with the lesson today.
37. Some students have trouble communicating.
38. The motor sometimes gets overheated.
39. This pencil is like that one.
40. I have a date this afternoon.
41. Henry said: “I will write twice a week on my trip.”
42. The small fishing boat was anchored beside the big steamship.
43. The patrol may encounter the enemy by tomorrow morning.
44. The students are going to miss their train.
45. Ralph needs to visit a dentist for treatment of his tooth.
46. I don’t know about his problem, but I can guess what it is about.
47. You must make your students study.
48. This metal can be bent easily into any shape.
49. He had a chance to see a good movie while he was in town.
50. The rock crashed through the window.
51. W: Did you see that ring around the moon last night? M: Yes, it was strange, wasn’t it? Q: What did they see last night?
52. M: I hear your son is in the army. What is he now? W: A sergeant. Q: What rank is her son?
53. M: Were the students on time for the examination? W: No, they were not. Q: What did the woman say about the students?
54. W: Will you try to do this? M: I will if you’ll give me a hand. Q: How will the man try to do it?
55. W: Where are you going, Bob? M: I’m going to have this suit pressed. Q: Where will the man have to go?
56. W: Do you enjoy fishing? M: Yes, it’s my favorite sport. Q: What do we know from the conversation?
57. M: Where is the table you want repair? W: Follow me to the back of the house. Q: What did the woman say?
58. W: What’s the matter with Frank? M: He has hardly any money. Q: What did the man say about Frank?
59. W: Do you need anything from the store? M: Yes, pick up a package of cigarette for me. Q: What did the man say?
60. M: Do you know anything about Ronny? W: WeIl, I do know that he minds his father. Q: What did the woman say about Ronny?

2007年5月1日 星期二

इंग्लिश होम work

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? What happened? Describe your experience।

Which natural disaster do you think cause the most harm? Why?

Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you? Why?

Have you ever seen any fascinating of famous trees? If so, describe them।

Besides three advantages are important points, you can describe more benefit from terrific trees?



1. Allen plays a different sport each season. Which of these is a season?
2. Alice gave me part of her apple. How much did she give me?
3. Baseball, football and basketball are popular sports. But recently boating has become popular. What has become popular lately?
4. When I told her the news, Mary began to cry. How did Mary feel?
5. Who is usually most dependent on other people?
6. What did Harry need a battery for?
7. Humans are able to survive at very high altitude. What can they do there?
8. Anna complained that she was starving. What was she complaining about?
9. Frank walked quite a distance. How far did he walk?
10. What is gasoline used for?
11. Walter has a good deal of cash on hand. What does he have?
12. John and George want to take a walk after dinner. What do they want to do after dinner?
13. Did the student cross out the incorrect answer?
14. Why did Virginia go to the dentist?
15. Did Robert motion to you?
16. Which date would be best for you?
17. Is your dog healthy?
18. Why do people look forward to holidays?
19. Did the fog bother you?
20. He wanted to study engineering. What did he want to know?
21. Did Donald wreck the truck?
22. What will Jane do with her new cabinet?
23. Are you thirsty?
24. Mr. Stone ignores all his friends’ opinions. What did Mr. Stone do?
25. Where do we get on the bus?
26. It felt like a Canadian winter.
27. He noticed the mark right away.
28. Barbara considers her work a pleasure.
29. The father was severe with his child.
30. Joe’s eyes were badly damaged.
31. He could go with us if he wanted to.
32. The wire is twisted.
33. His stomach is full.
34. The volume over there is going to increase.
35. The fire spread.
36. Stick to your studies.
37. She is going to sing again.
38. The box is made of aluminum.
39. Mrs. Smith was looking for a new dress.
40. On this flag, each star stands for a state.
41. Mr. Candle keeps his tools in an orderly manner.
42. The water was transformed.
43. Many people settled in America.
44. Bob felt like a stranger at the meeting.
45. We were told to think it over before we decided.
46. He was disturbed by the noise.
47. Susan was carrying her baggage.
48. The commander observed a weakness in the enemy’s defense.
49. Don’t bother about the receipt.
50. The school has a new system for teaching students how to type.
51. W: What started all this? M: Something highly flammable in the back room. Q: What are they talking about?
52. W: Do you like it? M: Yes, it’s delicious. Q: What the man and woman probably talking about?
53. W: Where did you get those? M: I got them from the library. Q: What are the man and woman probably talking about?
54. W: Is that our train there? M: Yes, we must hurry now. Q: What must they do?
55. M: Where does John work? W: He works in an automobile factory. M: What are his duty hours? W: He works from nine to five. Q: When does John start his work everyday?
56. W: Have you finished the work yet? M: All I have to do is take care of the lubrication. Q: What does the man have to do?
57. W: Why can’t you let me in? M: I forgot the key. Q: Why don’t they go in?
58. W: Would you like more vegetables? M: No, that’s sufficient, thank you. Q: What did the man mean?
59. M: Do you agree with Oscar? W: No, but I still like him very much. Q: What is the woman saying about Oscar?
60. W: What would you like to eat? M: Anything will be all right. M: What did the man say?